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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

25 December 2010

Nadolig Llawen

Merry Christmas everyone. I'm having a great time with family and friends and it was great to bring in the 8' folding table to sit everyone down for dinner. But we mustn't forget those who are less fortunate than ourselves at this time of year. I always try and look after one family in the area, and I hope that others do the same, rather than over indulge in excess.

I have taped the Queen's speech and I am looking forward to the Christmas Edition of Dr Who, mainly because one of my favourite singers has a role in the 2010 broadcast. Dr Who that is, and not the Royal Family. Mind you, as a staunch Royalist I have no problems with a member of the Queen's family starring in a future Christmas Dr Who. Maybe a take on the Royal Wedding at Westminster and everything going OK until the Darleks arrive. No flying ones, just the scary everyday Darleks and a Black one in charge. Wooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo,

22 December 2010

Salty Cardiff

Well I thought Cardiff in the snow was like another world. I have never experienced anything like it, either in Ceredigion or when I was a City lad back in my Newport, South Wales days. Hats off to the Cardiff City Council; although they may be working extremely hard, they can create an image of sitting it out and making it look as if they are doing nothing. Now that's not a personal opinion, but one that was replicated whenever I talked to people across the City, and from different walks of life.

The constant theme was no gritting for the poor pedestrians, and why don't we all get a car.

Everything is geared up for the car during the snow, and broken limbs or the elderly being locked in doors seems to be the norm. In many ways it sorts of smacks in the face of the Cardiff free bike ride scheme. As the Council tries to reduce car usage, pedestrians struggling along through the deep slush or sliding on the compacted ice, all wanted cars! Good job that this is not the closing moments of a football promotion campaign as it seems to this casual observer to be one significant own goal.

Call it severe, call it the big freeze, liken it to the worst in a century, but come on folks, some grit on one side of the major pedestrian routes leading into the city and especially where there are road crossings. While I'm on my snow sledge; did any one think out the sloping pavement idea adjacent to pedestrian crossings? Fine in the good weather, but when it's poor, it's poor. Slope and ice equals falls. Little wonder that I came across two push button crossing light boxes dangling from the posts and attached only by their wires. Slope, ice, about to fall equals grab box and pray. Oh, for a little grit where it matters.

18 December 2010

The Tynllidiart Arms

I really like a good Christmas Dinner, and preferably with friends or family. We were looking for a night out and phoned around and chatted to some friends before we opted for the Tynllidiart Arms.

It is a lovely country pub with a roaring fire at this time of year. I went for a pint of the local brew and we settled down into two cosy seats for a chat and to study the menu. It was just about then when we asked if they could squeeze us into being able to have the three course Christmas menu. A few minutes later we received the brilliant news that it was game on. The restaurant upstairs is lovely, complete with good quality tables and chairs and even better quality food. The boss went for soup and I enjoyed the smooth lover pate, salad, and toast with apricot chutney. It was a superior start to a great meal. Our main Turkey choice complete with parsnips and stuffing and little piglets wrapped up, all arrived on huge plates. The three bowls of vegetables were a lovely delight with excellent sprouts, swede and carrots. To top it off the Cranberry Sauce arrived followed by Cauliflower Cheese! Wow, we were stuffed, but I still managed the superbly presented, superb tasting Christmas pudding. A huge well done the the Tynllidiart Arms in this time of recession. Quality fine dining at almost cafe prices.

The food was superb, the owner friendly, and at only £20 there was nothing wrong with the price. The Tynllidiart Arms in Wales is another strong recommendation to one and all.

The Tynllidiart Arms
Capel Bangor
SY23 3LR

01970 880248

17 December 2010

Choo choo

Building the Snow Steam Train in 2010


As the United Kingdom is gripped with yet another Big Freeze, the Weather Forecasters correctly forecasted that we would also experience the white stuff.

I have not seen this much snow on the coast for many a good year. Wow, there must have been 3.5 inches when we woke up this morning. And its been a great day! Travelling to town because the boss had an appointment that just could not wait, and then breakfast at the fantastic Butchers Cafe in Bow Street, a village just north of Aberystwyth.

If that wasn't enough, I also managed to pack in several hours of fun in the snow. On the pretext of cleaning the drive and the path, but the reality was that the moved snow enabled me to build a steam engine. Not any old Snow Steam Engine mind you, but one that worked! I planted a flower pot in the chimney and burnt some dead leaves and cardboard so there was smoke coming out. to top it off, we placed tea-lights inside glass jars and placed four of these on top of the Choo choo. Very nice indeed, especially with the twinkles on the tree. That's what Christmas is all about. Enjoying the scenery and mucking about with the kids. It was great fun and all of the problems have washed over today. Especially when the eldest handed me my second glass of mulled wine at 9pm.

16 December 2010

Christmas Time

Wow, I am absolutely bowled over. My Blogger statistics on Google Analytics show that access to the Blog is up by almost 200% since I last checked. Normally in any given period there are visits from 3 or 4 countries, but on this occasion readers from the following ten countries (in no particular order) have popped along to have a peek. The United Kingdom, the United States of America, Ghana, Macedonia, Germany, Finland, Iraq, Poland, Canada, Brazil.

Now I can write a bit about most of those countries: I live in the United Kingdom, although when I drill down into the Google statistics I sometimes come across names of communities that I either did not know existed, or knew the name but could not place them on the map. As for the good old USA warm greetings once again to everyone across the Pond. I have always wanted to visit the States, but instead financed two of our daughters having a great week in New York. Lucky them, and maybe, just maybe, one of the Presidents will invite me over for a chin wag. Another President that I would like to sit down with and share a cuppa is the President of Ghana. Now there’s a lovely country, which is full of lovely people. Now Macedonia is a bit tricky, as to my eternal shame, like some of the communities in the UK, I am unable to picture Macedonia on the map. My job for the day is to locate Macedonia (not that it's lost) and to learn a little bit more about the country. Now everyone knows a bit about Germany, and we have stopped on three occasions at a lovely hotel in Germany. Once again, great people, great food, great scenery. But I have never been as far afield as Finland, although I was signed up to a Finnish modelling site once. No, I’m not a good looking Nordic sought of chap; this was a 1/35th and 1/72nd scale model site. Iraq is the same but without the modelling website. I can imagine that it would be quite cool (or is that hot) to pop along and see the country, but not in the current political climate, and certainly not without an armoured car that can withstand an IED. Now Poland brings back fond memories, very fond memories indeed. Not that I have ever visited Poland. No, it’s because my first two girlfriends were Polish and throughout my life there has always been a twinkle in my eye for any Polish lass. Canada is my prime must go and see location. I have no excuse now as we have friends living in Canada and another friend with a property for holiday letting. I suppose my ‘all star’ trip would be Canada and the snow, and a several day train journey with good food and scenery. And as for Brazil, well one of my lovely followers comes from that country, so there is no more to be said than it must be a lovely place.

Oh, there is just one thing to add: wherever you are, and whatever your first language; Nadolig Llawen i bawb – Merry Christmas to everyone.

10 December 2010


With Christmas looming, it's time to check up on old friends and ensure that I have all of their addresses ready to send out our Christmas Cards across the UK and beyond. The destinations include cards being sent as far away as England, Scotland, Canada, and Africa.

This years hand made version includes a photo of Mr Tister with special effects applied by the skilled camera hands of Jodi. Previous versions have included Mr Tister in Santa's garb, but this yeas the photograph applied to the front of the card, is an image of Mr Tister wrapped up for the Winter and out playing with Nanny and the others in the woods. The computer artwork on the inside and on the back was designed by yours truly. Strange really, as I took a while, whereas not that long ago I was a keen computer graphic artist. I swore by CorelDraw, but put together this card using WORD. Funny thing is, I'm clearing out the garage at the moment to install a large 00 layout. It's been cold work, and to warm up the numb fingers I have had a few fires going. The fire that I lit two days ago, was started and fed with the printed copies of my old computer artwork. Well, the paper was a tad damp, and I do live in hope that I will be able to find those floppy disks somewhere.

The Christmas Cards were glued together by the Boss and adorned with Christmas decorations and glitter. Ah wonderful, the Season of giving and remembering. And with all this snow in Wales and elsewhere in the UK; it even feels like Christmas.

6 December 2010

4 December 2010

Sainsburys Perfect Christmas 2010

I'm not sure that THESUPPORTOMETER is working; so why don't you click on the link http://sainsburysperfectchristmas.co.uk/Street/sy23-ger-y-llan and try it out for yourself! :-) Merry Christmas. Ps you can vote again everyday

3 December 2010

War Paint

Hi folks, it's war paint whichever way you look at it. Tribal markings, specific design for specific purposes, or make up to attract a partner. It's all facial decoration, and the skill is in the application. The Url link http://www.lippyeyesblog.blogspot.com/ boasts of "Eyes that Talk" and I'm not surprised. This is especially so given that the aspiring make-up artist is one of my daughters. If you check out the LippEyes Blog by Hollie Bennett then you will also find an Url link to the LippyEyes YouTube Channel. That Channel has had over 1,000 views already! To put that in context, that's 1,000 hits in little over a week or so. The Blog also boasts another Url link to a slideshow showing you how I built her stand alone Make-up unit complete with mirror and three independently controlled daylight tubes. The Make-up unit has really helped with the videos and the next stage is to build a backdrop. Not any old backdrop mind you, but one that builds upon the LippEyes marketing triangle. The relevant .com, .co.uk, and several other Web domain names have been bought. Our family marketing expert has designed the LippEyes static logo and the animation logo. So bit by bit we are carefully applying the war paint. Meanwhile check out the LippyEyes Blog, but don't get too tied up, as you also have to remember to vote on the Sainsbury Christmas Competition!

2 December 2010

I'm not bribing you

The competition at http://sainsburysperfectchristmas.co.uk/Street/sy23-ger-y-llan is still ongoing and if we have any chance of winning then we need your daily support. We seem to be doing well. Well as well as can be expected as the decision regarding the winner is due to be made in the next few days. Now I'm not trying to bribe you, I just want yout o support a technically sound entry made on behalf of the lovely people in this part of the World. It's been a technical submission, and I think that presentation has come up to scratch. Although I don't want to lull anyone into a false sense of security, similar to the England World Cup bid.

I don't know what on earth went wrong with the England bid. From being almost there, to finding that you went out in the first round, must be a bit hard to bite off. Plus it all happened faster than you could say 'Panorama'. I think Wales or Ghana would have had a better chance at hosting the World Cup. Worse than that, Wales or Ghana have a better chance of being awarded the 2018 World cup by default than Ger-y-Llan winning the http://sainsburysperfectchristmas.co.uk/Street/sy23-ger-y-llan competition. But go on, have a vote, yes do it, there's no need for voter apathy and you can vote away in the sound knowledge that there's no bribe coming your way

1 December 2010

Don't forget to cut and paste and vote!


Only 9 Days to Go

No silly, not until Christmas Day! There are 9 days to go in the sainsburysperfectchristmas.co.uk competition for which Ger-y-Llan has been entered. So I need you all to keep well, avoid the flu bugs, stay wrapped up in the warm and don't venture outside into the snow. Unless of course you live in Africa, in which case if it's snowing then you have my permission to seize a once in a lifetime opportunity to pop outside and have a snowball fight.

You can support Ger-y-Llan on each of the 9 days that are left of the Christmas Street Competition. YES, you can vote again every day and YES you can encourage your friends on FACEBOOK and Twit-ter and elsewhere to vote for us as well.

We can win the Sainbury's comp, but only with your help. The perfect Christmas for me and my neighbours with Sainsbury’s. A carol-singing choir, huge piles of snow, a massive tree, fireworks and festive food and drink could all be coming our way. Well maybe not, as I never win competitions. But then again everyone is a winner as this is as good an excuse as any to do some Blogging and spread some Christmas cheer. As for 'snow in Africa', around 1999 a photograph of my double appeared on the front page of the (London) TIMES Newspaper throwing a snowball at an Israeli Tank. Now I don't know what surprised me the most: (1) my friends in Preston shouting out "Rog, you're on the front page of the Times", (2) the realisation that it can snow in that part of the World during the daytime, (3) why the offender was only throwing a snowball and not something more sinister, as a snowball seemed out of context to the situation, (4) thinking thank goodness it's not the United States as Cops take Guns to snowball fights there, but then again try trumping a tank, (5) who is this guy taking my identity, and (6) thank goodness the tanks didn't fire. So folks, maybe snow spreads good cheer and allows a bit of common sense to float to the surface. let's hope for lot's of snow in Iran then, rather than bombs placed on car windows. Oh, by the way, don't forget to cut and paste the link and vote for us!
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