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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

26 August 2008

Ghana University

It is Tuesday the 26th and I ventured out alone this morning in the Hattoo community on Papao 11 Street where I am staying. It was 0800 and it was already as hot as the hottest midday sun back in the UK. I walked to Exchange Sterling but they were closed. So I walked up and down the main road for an hour looking at the roadside huts that are often metal shipping containers that are called shops. I took many photographs one of which was a guy, a bench, some wheels and some new tyres all under a tree. In the UK that would be KwikFit. This was a stunning message as to the differences in our communities, the African existence for many people is so basic. I managed to change twenty pounds for 41 Cedis and bought some Rasberry Jam, a Chelsea Bun that is the size of a Loaf and is called, wait for it... CHELSEA Bread. It is also labelled as the one you need. As promised I returned my two Fanta bottles to a grateful shop owner and bought a tin of Fanta and a tin of Nescafe Coffee. Like ours, but in a tin with a sealable lid instead of a jar. The Jam was expensive at 4 Cedis 40 which is about 2.25 THEY EARN A LOT LESS THAN US so this was a killer price. Frosties were 7 Cedis 50 but the bread was i Cedis, i.e. 50p
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