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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

26 August 2008

"Juice is big in Africa"

Church was so good, the dancing, the singing, the choir and the sermons. Afterwards we drove a long way to Patricia's Mums house and the house is unfinished and we sat on patio chairs inside because of the heat. Patricia, Alice and Josephine peeled and cooked Yam, rice and a fantastic hot stew. I was starving as I had eaten bread and tea at 0730 and this was 4.30 pm. I drank several pints of water, many Fanta's and two pints of apple juice. Juice is big in Africa. Heat is also big, but my bedroom and the lounge where I am staying have ceiling fans and built in Mosquito nets with the windows open. It was so warm at Patricia's that we sat outside and went walking along the mud tracks that are called roads. Me in my new trousers, and long sleeve shirt with my collar done up to avoid insect bites and them in shorts and sandals. A lifetime of experiences in only two days... take care and look after one another.
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