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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

28 August 2008

The Arts Centre

We arrived in Accra around 1045 and I walked to the African Centre of Culture. After a cool bottle of Fanta at 50 peswas (25p) sat in the shade of a cafe, I roamed the craft shops. I bought some small presents for my daughters and my grandson. I picked up a present for my wife later in the day while walking through the streets of Accra. I also managed to pick up a new strap for my mobile phone, not the great piece of African art that I wanted, but nevertheless a functional strap that allowed me to secure my phone to my belt and then place the phone in my pocket. I did not want to concern my family, but I had an eventful first day in Ghana, whereby I was intimidated at the airport by three guys who were pretending to be security personnel in order to extort money from me [never, ever step out of the airport until your lift is organised and your friend or escort is waiting for you (my friend failed to arrive and left me at the mercy of those who wanted my money. I probably felt more intimidated than necessary, but nevertheless it was a painful experience)]. The same night I had my new mobile phone and camera combination stolen by a man with no legs who reached into our car while moving himself along on a skateboard. He was astonishingly strong and fast with a powerful torso and swift movement on the skateboard. In the split second that he broke the wrist strap and seized the phone, I gave him a true look of disappointment and unbelievably he repented and threw the broken phone (it had separated into three parts) back into the car. So a new strong strap for my main camera and phone contact was an essential part of the day. My Sony phone is working fine as we find the third part when we stopped and checked inside the car. The phone is minus its original strap. But fine nevertheless. Selecting the presents was also fun and after photographing a monkey on the main gate of the ‘Arts Centre’, who patiently waited for me to take the shot, I then made my way towards the Presbyterian Book Deposit next door to the Presbyterian Church.
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