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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

5 September 2008

It's Cold

It's Friday in the UK and I am freezing. I wore a vest under my shirt in work (something that I have not done for years) and am now wearing a vest, t-shirt and a jumper. It is 16 degrees but it feels more like 8. The heat and the humidity in Ghana was crushing. My photographs show the perspiration rolling off my face, and the light clothes that I had to wear while I was abroad. In comparison there has been so much rain back in Wales that the Emergency Services have been stretched over the last 24 hours, and that rain has brought with it a further drop in temperature. The rain for this time of the year is the worst many can remember in living memory, and for me this is the coldest that I have been for some time. Maybe I acclimatised too quickly while in Ghana and now I am paying the price for enjoying so much heat while I was there. The best part is; this is also the rainy season in Ghana, and it is also their coldest time of the year.
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