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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

3 April 2013

A Society

The Kenneth Burns work mentions the KKK. It's sad to note that the Ku Klux Klan was founded in the Confederacy in December 1865; although sources differ on it being the brainchild of six college students or six Confederate veterans. Or maybe they were students who fought for the Confederacy? Whoever were the founding fathers, it is disappointing to note that from the death throes of the Civil War came such a society. I never understood how the White Supremacists gained such a foothold in the States, but having watched the programme and learnt about the Civil War, it all starts to make sense. From Abraham Lincoln, through Nathan Bedford Forrest and onto to Jane Elliott. Civil liberties, enslavement, and racial segregation have been a hundred year plus struggle for the Union, and it has taken many strong characters to try to set the record straight each time parts of society ventures from the straight and narrow. I suspect that it is a struggle that will in many ways last another hundred years or more. Green eyed, blue eyed, brown eyed. The colour shouldn't matter, the simple fact is; they are all now Americans.
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