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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

2 November 2010

Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani

In my humble opinion, the widely reported decision by the Islamic Republic of Iran that the execution Ms Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani is imminent; is wrong on every level. The execution will not make the matter disappear. It would be far better for the authorities to accept that execution is wrong, and instead embrace the offers of asylum that have been made to the Republic by World statesmen who are concerned about the execution.

Those that think that World opinion doesn't matter are naive to the extreme. It does matter, and the execution will strengthen and not diminish World resolve. It is time for the Islamic Republic of Iran to rethink its strategy. Iran has so much to offer the World, and it's quite sad that so much negativity is generated when so much good could exist.

Please don't execute Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani. Instead, release her into the care of those that have offered asylum. The rewards will far outweigh the perceived quick win. It is a mistake to believe that undertaking the execution, in the face of World opinion, will strengthen the Republic's position. The outcome will be contrary to what the Republic is hoping to achieve. Whereas the release of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani would be a huge step forward for the Republic. An opportunity to rebuild its position on the World stage. It's time to stop looking at tactics and to start thinking of strategy.

The hardest part of 'change', is to listen. No one likes to be told what to do, and when we are told, we usually don't like what we hear. It doesn't matter if you are a small child, a Managing Director, a politician, or Head of State. The theory is the same, we like to make choices, and not do what we are told, or do something out of choice, that then looks to the casual onlooker as if it was done because we were told. To be blunt no one has the right to tell the Iranian authorities what to do.

Instead, I make this plea as a humble person, as someone without influence and with nothing to gain. Please, please, please release Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani.
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