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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

30 September 2016

Another Version

Accidentally making the move to trying out Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers has been a good, albeit frustrating thing.  The good points are that I like the product, I like the ease of handling, and I like the three colours that I was gifted.  The bad point is that I need a yellow, and you can't buy these watercolour markers (individually or in a set) in Aberystwyth.  So if you know anyone in Winsor & Newton product development or marketing, tell them to find me on social media and get in touch.  Because at the moment, I'm confined to a red, a green, and a blue marker.  Albeit, they are a pretty good red, green and blue.

Photograph: Venice
Using watercolour markers on circa 7 x 5 cheap watercolour paper 
ArtRba you can also find me on Social Media *

I've completed a few similar images, using various size and type of watercolour paper, as I begin to understand how the watercolour marker product works to best effect.  

I'm noticing that the nibs spread (but that was anticipated, so no problem there) and that the application of water needs to be thought through, as the paint merges (again, anticipated, but controlling needs to be learnt).  

The big pluses are (1) the vibrancy and punch of colour, and (2) the ease of use (which suggests that the Winsor & Newton Watercolour Marker is ideal for in the field sketching.

* ArtRba my posts on Blogger are always more detailed.
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