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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

9 December 2008

Non Linear Activity, Einstein and all of that

It's only when you jump in the car that you realise how BIG our tiny Country actually is! I attended a meeting in the deepest England today and the journey out of Wales took 6.5 hours yesterday and the more direct route return journey took 5.5 hours today! If indeed there is something as the direct Linear route across Wales. Bends, hills, narrow lanes, more bends and even one that went back on itself. That one took two attempts to negotiate given the size of my car. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to brag, but it is a big car. You drop your speed and you save fuel. You increase your speed but you don't necessarily go any faster. I suppose that is the nature of a long journey. And for me it has been two very long journeys over two extremely short days. Einstein told us about time, and the speed of light. Well my car ain't that fast, but one of my daughters does call me 'The Rocket Man'. Long journeys get you to think; and I can now explain Einstein's Theory of Relativity. For some of my friends that won't come as too much of a surprise, but for me given the long journey that I had with Hawkings 'Universe in a Nutshell' it comes across as a triumph. Although I suspect that this particular bit of knowledge won't help me with my forthcoming interview. But it does at least put it all into context. We are all insignificant, it's just that some of us think that we are important when we are not. And one of the trappings of self belief and importance is the car. But however big and powerful it is; it can't make the bendy roads of Wales - Linear. Only Einstein can do that!
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