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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

8 December 2012

Jacintha Saldanha

I found the news of the untimely and unnecessary death of Jacintha Saldanha extremely upsetting and must admit to shedding quite a few tears.  People can dumb down the act leading to Jacintha’s death by calling it a ‘prank’ or a ‘stunt’ or by using neutral terms such as ‘tragic event’, in order to avoid proportioning or accepting blame.  But in doing so, they must also realise that people are responsible for their actions.  Nobody forced 2DayFM to make the telephone call.  While the presenters were laughing and joking on their video, Jacintha was entering a living hell.  

Now her children have lost their mother.

I refuse to listen to several radio presenters because I have found their unsolicited telephone calls to unsuspecting strangers to be a form of bullying.  Others call it ‘fun’, but I call it ‘nasty’.  There is no place for this kind of behaviour in a modern society irrespective of whether or not it an attempt to ridicule a person, or to extract confidential information.  Any such act is morally wrong. 

I do not accept the argument “the station hadn’t broken any laws” either.  Bullying is a terrible thing, bullying comes in many forms, and there are many examples where the victim has committed suicide.  Manslaughter is a crime, obtaining confidential information, whatever the method, is an invasion of privacy laws, obtaining a pecuniary advantage is a crime.  But Jacintha’s death is not about criminalising the two presenters involved.  I suspect that the worldwide disgust far outweighs the outcome that they could suffer under any penal code. 

The publicity surrounding Jacintha’s death is a reminder that those who do stupid things run the risk of being called to account when those stupid things go badly wrong.  Those who are responsible must be held to account.  They need to be sacked, as does anyone else at the radio station or its parent company that was involved or has moved to try and protect the company while losing sight of the death of Jacintha.  Play music and chat, run competitions, invite guests onto the station, give the sports results, tell us the news, talk about the weather, play more music, but remember that you have no right in any form whatsoever to telephone anyone that you do not know.  And that folks is the bottom line so stop being in denial and wise up.  The outcome was foreseeable, if not this time then at a point in time, as all actions have a reaction.  
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