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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

25 July 2016


So a lovely thank you to one of my daughters who bought me a gift card for 'The Pen & Paper' shop in Cardiff for Fathers Day.  I'm grateful for all of the other cards and presents I received that day as well, but it has taken until now to pop along and cash in my goody card. 

I picked up a 75ml tube of Cryla '527 Light Red Oxide' acrylic paint and a 'Jakar, folding palette' for my watercolours.  I became a watercolourist and a pastelist long before I discovered Acrylic paints and my current teach yourself course.  The intention is to mix the Light Red Oxide acrylic with Prussian Blue acrylic to create a lovely grey mixture (of varying shades) to use in future acrylic paintings.  I like Venetian Red (preferably) and Indian Red mixed with Prussian Blue, but I couldn't find any when I was looking through the display stand. Funnily enough, there's no colour chart for Cryla acrylic paint on display or available as a handout.  But hey ho, I've got my stuff, and I'm well chuffed.  Of course Daler Rowney do a Venetian Red in Cryla (product reference No.583) so that will be a future purchase.  But for now it's Light Red Oxide all the way; both as a mixture with Prussian Blue, and as a stand alone colour within my seas and skies.  So there's the update, and it's now time to finish this coffee and head back out into the street and maybe catch a film.
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