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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

4 July 2009

Targets Tumble

Bula matari or not, one myth that has been broken is the number of lengths that I am capable of swimming in a single day. The previous high was 80 lengths, 40 in the morning and 40 in a second session later the same day after a significant break. That value was replaced with the current high of 84 lengths in one morning session last Saturday. But even that target tumbled when I managed 60 lengths yesterday morning with a 0730 start before work and another 52 in the evening starting at 1730. For me, an astonishing single day total of 112 lengths. To cap it all, although it was the weekend, I got up early today and arrived at the pool for 0900 and another 54 lengths. My single session target has fallen, my daily total has fallen and with 266 lengths completed so far this week it looks like my weekly maximum number of lengths will also tumble. Bula matari folks, we can all do it if we are motivated enough.
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