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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

26 May 2016


Well it's been almost a month since I last posted here, so I suppose that I should say 'hello'!  The Primary stage USA Presidential campaign seems to be in its endgame. You will all by now know the Cruz News. I feel sorry for his running mate, as now I suspect she can't be chosen by Trump.

But that of course is at the dizzy heights of world politics, and not the foot firmly on the ground type of life that I lead. So my mundane news, is that having glossed both sides of the new interior doors, I've now started the Hall, Stairs and Landing decorating. Okay, I have to be fair and mention that I've had a few easy going (and essential for me) days in-between; these rest days even included a trip to Cardiff. But we're  back on the decorating, and so today has been a day of prepping with polyfilla, and decorators caulk. I've also bought myself two new toys from Clements in town; namely an 'Axus Decor' roller and an 8ft 'T-Lock' double click extension pole, to reach the high ceiling off the landing. I bought a 16 footer one of these two years or so ago, and used that to reach the gable end of our house when I repainted it that year. An awesome bit of kit, and the new smaller one was only £11 so all in all I've got to be happy with that.

The next job is to clean up the ladders and get them inside to reach the ridiculously high window and give it a good clean before starting to paint the ceilings. Why did the silly architect some 35 years ago; put a ridiculously high window that can't be reached without a ladder, and then use the few brain cells that he had, to fit a top opening casement window into the frame. Wanker, that folks being a technical term #AYearofDIY
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