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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

24 March 2012

The Swim Dr

Well the doctor says that exercise amongst other things is important for mental ill health and is pleased that I get up nice an early each weekday morning and toddle off to the swimming pool.

This week I managed 32, 32, 32, and 40 lengths. This is all well and good until I got chatting again to ‘Doctor’ Georgie. Now Dr Georgie as you can see by observing the single quotation marks is not a ‘real’ doctor. No, far from it, you see Dr Georgie is my Swim Doctor and pretty encouraging too. Or is that pretty and encouraging too?

So I was pretty chuffed with my 136 lengths this week and a lot of physical exercise outside of the swimming pool. That is until Georgie mentioned swimming 220 lengths today in a little over one and a half hours. Ok, so she was a tad angry, when swimming that is and not when talking to me. But come on folks get your head around the statistic; 220 lengths in 90 minutes. That’s better than life saving swim test standard and its being sustained time and time again.

That’s 220 lengths against my best ever at about 85 lengths. I manage 40 in just under 40 minutes; probably a good 38 minutes but that’s a tough session. But in order to reach 120 lengths let alone 220 lengths I would have to swim at my best and sustain that rhythm for one and a half hours i.e. three times longer than normal. Not on your nelly, nope, no way, not a chance. Then having done the impossible I would still come in 100 lengths short. So Dr Georgie I doff my cap to you, you little dolphin you.
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