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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

1 August 2011

Celebrity 5* Midnight Coffee and States of the Union

Now everyone who knows me well, also know that I love Cafe Nero and Costa. So can you imagine my delight when sometime after Midnight I managed to slip into a lovely comfortable chair and enjoyed a very well made, very smooth Latte. Pure bliss and I am in second heaven. All washed down with listening to the String Trio, Live Jazz and other top shows and performances. The Celebrity Eclipse is great.

After a great night’s sleep on the boat that never moves, I enjoyed the treadmill, iced lemon water and a great shower before breakfast. Silver Service Breakfast; now that can’t be bad can it? Lovely people from Birmingham were sat opposite and we had a good old chinwag while enjoying the sea views with our window seat. Brecky for me was a real delight, and I can’t wait to tell my American Cousins at the Black Tie Dinner tonight that amongst other things I had ‘grits’. Semolina to you and me folks, but it’s called ‘grits’ and was delivered with a small personal serving pot of sugar and another small personal serving of raisins. Gosh, this really is the Celebrity Life. But in many ways it was also funny; as I had to stop Mrs B getting her hands on my grits. Now that is a conversational piece for any English language user who knows what ‘grits’ are.

Big apologies to my American Cousins as I mixed up the States a bit and put the Union duo in the Confederacy. Oops, easy mistake when you are from Wales. While I’m writing about Countries and people, I have to ask; where is Jung from Taiwan? A lovely chap whom I met this morning after the treadmill, for two seconds I thought that he was my motivator and was encouraging me to go back in. “You done?”, to which I replied “Pardon?”. “I say, you Done, Yes?”, “Yep, I’m done”. “You done, I’m Jung...Jung, from Taiwan.” Phew, thankfully he was just another lovely guest, as I had hit 25 minutes and was a tad worn out.

Celebrity Cruise Tip 3: You don’t have to drink and eat at the busy times; there is plenty of opportunity to enjoy the quality and some ‘me time’

Celebrity Cruise Tip 4: Dinner is set table and companions but at fine dining breakfast you are sat randomly which means that no two meals and therefore no two cruises are the same. Because you are going to meet new people all of the time.
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