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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

13 September 2011


That three's thing has happened again.

We buried a good friend yesterday, and I found the service quite difficult and emotional. He had been ill for some time, and maybe the length of the illness makes you sort of think that it will all come good in the end. Even when you are told that there is nothing more that can be done, faith helps us believe that it will somehow work out. I must admit to thinking that he looked well when I popped along to the hospital. Maybe be was just at ease, at peace with what was about to happen, and what after all faces each and every one of us irrespective of background, ethnicity, social status or any other irrelevant factor.

I suppose that death is very much a part of life.

Death however is all around us at the moment. Our neighbour who was admitted with a not too much to worry about illness, does in fact have the big 'C', and one of our extended family has been given a terminal prognosis. This takes me back to the early 80's when we lost three close family within twelve months. The first was too young, but the second and third were younger still. Well I have said a prayer for each and every one of them, and on reflection, maybe life isn't that bad after all
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