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This Blog is about lots of things including Art, Poetry, and Pens. The Main Blogging page is the Home page and the Tabs are other almost separate stand alone pages. Select a Tab (Home, Pens, etc) and scroll down to find the text. Trust me, it is there. Return to the Home page by clicking 'Home'. Enjoy the read...

Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

3 July 2010

The aftermath

In the aftermath of defeat it was nice to hear from Michael. Especially as he always greets me with 'Commander'. A word associated with a long gone role that I once had in life. As Michael explains in his communique; "Hope must always be kept alive!" We both believe that the Ghanaian Football Team and Ghana, will go on to achieve greater things. Yesterday was a Sad Day for World Football. The cheating and the images broadcast throughout the World showing the cheat as he celebrated the success of his act, should have led to the game being awarded to Ghana.

Ghana has already achieved more than winning a Football World Cup. The Ghanaian contribution to Statecraft and Security dwarfs that of lesser contributors. The sheer effort of Ghanaians to help to secure World peace is an embarrassment for those countries that make no or little effort to Peacekeeping Operations. They are already World Champions in International Politics, and Ghanaian athletes will go on to achieve greater accolades for Ghana in the sporting arena. For me these things are written, there is no if, it is simply a case of when.

Google Analytics

A quick look at Google Analytics informs me that 212 different people have visited this Blog (Africa, Ghana and all things Accra) since I began writing the Blog back in 2008. Google Analytics also informs me (amongst an awful lot of statistical data regarding these Web pages) that these 212 different visitors come from 20 different countries. It even provides a World Map that you can drill down into for more detail regarding viewers and their behaviours online when visiting this site.

Country with the highest number of different visitors first

United Kingdom
United States of America

Amongst the other 15 countries, I have managed to attract visitors from the Ukraine, and from Russia. I only found this out tonight, which is pretty cool as I am currently reading an academic book on Statecraft and Security and Russia features quite heavily throughout the text, and the Ukraine was a key country in the chapters that I read today.

Indeed, today has been a particularly grand day. I managed a very long walk along the promenade in the glorious sunshine. Spanish Breakfast in my favourite restaurant. Coffee and a Chapter of my current book on the decking at home. 40 lengths of the swimming pool. Unfortunately that is not at home! And coffee and another Chapter of the book in Costa later in the afternoon. Oh, plus a good nosh up for dinner and a great Ghanaian themed evening watching their Quarter Final clash.
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