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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

19 August 2010

Ms Ashtiani

The case of Ms Ashtiani in the Islamic Republic of Iran is still ongoing. The Australian newspaper ran an excellent impartial article on the topic today. Pressure on the Iranian authorities to re-consider their position has increased rather than decreased. That is a sign of World view, and how strongly people feel about Ms Ashtiani's situation.

At a time when Iran could make friends and build bridges, for some strange reason the authorities won't budge. According to The Australian they have even declined the offer from Brazil to grant Ms Ashtiani asylum. Indeed, the paper explains that the case of Ms Ashtiani in the Islamic Republic of Iran has become a Big Issue for the forthcoming October Brazilian elections.

All I can say is; well done to the Boys from Brazil. And the girls of course. Cometh the time, cometh the man. Who would have guessed that it would be from Brazil? You see, we never know do we? Just when we think that we understand everything, something else comes along and surprises us.


Of course I know who it is from the Cameroon who has visited the Blog pages from the Continent of Africa recently.

It is undoubtedly a lovely lady whom I met in South Wales a few weeks back before we travelled to Italy. She is part of a very nice family. Lovely people who are open and friendly and like those that we met on holiday, they also represent their nation well. With that in mind, you can imagine that I was saddened this morning to hear of their bad news.

I hope that they can overcome what has happened and move forward as a family by 'keeping hope alive'. It is so sad that the worst things tend to happen to the nicest people. It is as if God is always challenging our faith. For me it is a paradigm; that the bad in this world suffer the least. And that those who deserve the best, face challenge after challenge. My thoughts are with you all.
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