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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

1 September 2015

The Brimmon Ancient Oak Tree

The Brimmon Ancient Oak Tree located near Newtown in the County of Powys is some 500 years old.  Which is pretty cool, as you can well imagine what has passed by in that time.  You could also try to imagine what could pass by this Ancient Oak Tree in the future.  But alas you don't need much imagination to do so.  The reason being, some really silly people are trying to build a By-Pass around Newtown that will interfere with the aforementioned Ancient Oak Tree.  Now you would think that the silly people would have planned a road route well away from the Tree.  Well that would be asking too much wouldn't it?  I mean, after all, this is Wales, and we sort of know lots about our bureaucracy, and its failings.  Avoiding a 500 year old Oak Tree would have been an obvious thing to do, but we don't do obvious.  No, instead we all too often do really silly stupid things, which can only result in a conflict outcome.  Common sense involves a whole new higher level of bureaucracy, and of course a much higher pay scale.  Maybe there should be an AS Level in common sense, with a retrospective requirement for bureaucrats to hold at least a Grade 'B' in Common Sense.  Although I do fear that a lot of people would lose their jobs; as it's quite apparent that they would struggle with this particular AS Level. 

The thing that gets me the most about this story, is that people are bandying around £56m figures for the road.  But in doing so, they are forgetting, one simple and fundamental point; it ain't a £56m road, it's just ink on paper.  


I'm a real tree, 
Me, in this field,
Stood alone for Centuries gone.

Whereas they the Planners,
Have gone mad,
And trust me friends,
You'll be had.

Because me, this tree,
Ain't ink on paper,
Just an idea or a whim.

No, I'm the real deal,
With leaves,
That feel the wind,
And memories of Centuries gone.

Poem about the Brimmon Ancient Oak Tree
Roger Bennett
Penrhyncoch, September 2015
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