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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

12 October 2010

The Eyes

This is a Master Class delivered by one of my daughter on how to draw eyes. The first image consists of three sketches. The left hand sketch shows the areas where light could fall in your final drawing. The areas where light will appear are show by some squiggly lines and three small circles. The central sketch has lines drawn from the centre of the eye in both sections and these lines will be smudged in the final image. The right hand sketch shows some extra shading along the periphery of the eye.

Where the light appears is important part of the drawing and the second image shows both the creation of light through darkening, shading, and erasing as well as the creation of an eye that is not a perfect circle.

The left hand sketch in the third image emphasises this point; the shape of eyes in artwork are random and not engineering drawings. The middle sketch shows how light and dark are created through shading and smudging the pencil. For these sketches the artist used a 5B pencil. The right hand sketch demonstrates that an eye drawing consists of three circles (akin to the RAF aircraft emblem), but the middle circle takes on a form similar to an egg shape.

All of the various components and techniques come together to form the finished drawing of an eye.
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