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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

8 September 2016

Midas Touch

My new watercolour paint brush! A lovely 'Midas Touch' pocket brush that is ideal for holidays and when out and about painting.  Better still, this gorgeous example is a 'Filbert' which is my paintbrush shape of choice for watercolours.  

The front half of the brush sits inside the main handle.  Which of course in turn protects the brush hairs.  The outer shell appears sturdy and looks as if it will take a fair bashing during transport and use.  The 'Cotman' Winsor & Newton small student standard watercolour paint set usually contains a very small brush with this half inside half set up.  I was going to snaffle the brush from my unused Cotman set (bought during last years holiday) to go with this Filbert, but the lovely people in the Art Shop (Pier Street, Aberystwyth) gifted me a small compact brush like a Rigger, when I was buying the Filbert and a few other things.  So, now I have two brushes that don't take up much space.  

This could mean using watercolours as well as Inktense Pencils on the next holiday, or when I'm out and about on a fine day.  With the right Artist quality watercolour set, this is a lightweight, easy to carry, and relatively simple to use set up.  Whereas the watercolour stuff that I currently have is more suited to Studio work.  Which is great 95% of the time, but when you do get outside, we need it to be simples. Winsor & Newton even do a field painting kit with an integral water bottle and water container. I mean, how cool is that?

The Midas Touch wasn't overly expensive; but it is new old stock and it may be difficult to track any down. 
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