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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

20 July 2016

More Turner

This image is another of my 'after' Turner attempts.  The photograph shows the progress after two hours.  But of course those two hours also included chatting and making a cup of coffee.  So it's early days with this painting.

Photograph: Llanstephan Castle, Acrylic on Mixed Media paper

The mixed media A4 Daler Rowney paper I'm using is heavier (at 169 lb.) than the acrylic specific paper that I'm using for the 'Fishermen at Sea' image.  The original in this exercise was painted by Turner between 1795-96 in pencil with watercolour.  It depicts Llanstephan Castle by Moonlight.  I drew out the image using a standard HB pencil, and thereafter applied layers of acrylic paint as a wash, having placed a Raw Sienna wash coat across the sheet of paper.  Across the sky; I've used Ultramarine and a Red to form the grey colour and used Ultramarine neat. In all instances using a natural sponge to lift and to spread the colour while softening the edges. There's a long way to go with this painting, but an update will probably take at least two weeks, as I don't intend working on the image again until a week next Tuesday. My emphasis at the moment is on Turner's 1796 oil on canvas image.  In particular, finding out the detail in the shadows so that I can better replicate both boats and their occupants.

Top tip: the acrylic specific lighter Daler Rowney paper is far superior to the Daler Rowney heavier Mixed Media stuff.  You would think that the heavier paper would be better, but it's not! 
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