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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

8 January 2016

Some more art

The Beast was dropped off for repair early this morning, so it's now a case of settling down and deciding what to start creating with the new art materials that were bought for me over Christmas and on my Birthday.

Today's Art is a tad complex and needed some lining out to help me with the combination of Graphite Pencils and Derwent Inktense Pencils. I don't know if that pencil combination will work, but we will of course find out over the next few days. The other advantage of lining out; is that watercolour paper is expensive. So I don't want to waste a sheet because of drawing errors.  The intended image consists of broadly copying two separate pieces of Star Wars art that have appeared online. The main character is an Imperial Scout Sniper sat next to a tree, and who appears to be only half interested in what is going on. To try to enhance that often copied composition, I've gone for adding a second Scout Sniper who seems to be more focussed, in that this figure has the scout rifle in the firing position.  I envisage this second member of the team to be in a hollow to the bottom and foreground of the tree. But alas, imagination and execution can often be quite different. So we will have to see how this one pans out, and whether or not I obtain the much needed relaxation and enjoyment.

This one is A3 size on hot press watercolour paper (smoother and dries quicker than cold press [which is also known as NOT]). The A3 size of course is less the 1cm all round to tape down the watercolour paper to mark out the lines and to try to reduce curling when I eventually wet the surface. Another good thing about taping down is that the paper should survive being but aside now and again, as I expect this piece to take a few days. I don't do pressure, so if the mood slips away, so does the art.
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