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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

3 October 2008

Le Grande Dadio

Our Grandson is wonderful, a real character. But tonight I have come to the conclusion that he wears his bibs like most people wear a pair of pants - all the time! He has a Granddad bib, one that says "I only cry when I am being held by ugly people", a bib for every colour that you can imagine, a bib that has sleeves like a jumper. Plastic bibs, cotton bibs, plastic and cotton bibs. Bibs, bibs, bibs, bibs. And now that he is moving towards solids, his food stash is bigger than mine, and that is saying something! The food supply is huge but the spoons are tiny. It's a wonderful time, and unlike many of the small chidlren in Haatso; our Grandson doesn't cry everytime he sees me. Indeed, it is quite the opposite. I am greeted with a huge smile, and a real desire to be hugged. It's great to be wanted, and it's great to be the Grande Dadio. :-)
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