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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

30 June 2014

Supporting the British Heart Foundation

My www.justgiving.com/roger-bennett1 page is one way of donating money to help the British Heart Foundation (BHF) to continue their sterling work researching to fight heart disease.

The BHF are world class leaders in their field, and as a world class charity, their work is shared worldwide and not restricted to the United Kingdom.  If new research pinpoints a new method, new medication, or new solutions, then those outcomes become available for everyone and not just British citizens. So think of the BHF as a world class organisation, that funds world class research into reducing heart disease.

Another method for making a donation if you are located in the U.K. is to text an amount via the details shown in the photograph in this Blog Post.  Apparently the texts themselves are free and the only thing that is taken, is the amount that you choose to contribute.

The British Heart Foundation; world class for everyone.
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