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This Blog is about lots of things including Art, Poetry, and Pens. The Main Blogging page is the Home page and the Tabs are other almost separate stand alone pages. Select a Tab (Home, Pens, etc) and scroll down to find the text. Trust me, it is there. Return to the Home page by clicking 'Home'. Enjoy the read...

Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

18 December 2008


Election and Statistics go together very well indeed. I have mentioned a few Stats about the Blog and earlier today my friend and IT Guru sent me the following message: "...Just read your latest blog entries, and I thought I'd let you know how
I read them, in case others are doing something similar. I use Google Reader (http://www.google.co.uk/reader) to subscribe to all the blogs that I follow. Further, I do almost all of my web browsing through the Firefox web browser
(http://www.mozilla.com/firefox/) with add-ons that prevent javascript running, block adverts, and take various other measures to increase my online security and privacy. Many other people take similar measures. So, I'm not sure how the statistics for who is reading your blog are compiled, but, it might be that the number of visitors/followers/subscribers is being underestimated because of
various intermediaries, and security and privacy measures..."

So the Blog Stats that I have provided for you so far may be an underestimate of the real situation. A bit like the Election Farce in the States the last time around (8 years back and not this years fantastic result). Miscounting, misunderstanding and confusion. Maybe we should arrange for a re-count. My friend also attached a screenshot of what this blog looks like to him in Google Reader. It is totally different and just goes to show that not everything is exactly as we think it is, and things shouldn't be accepted on face value. Now Einstein and others would sign up to that, as I suppose the losing candidate in the Ghanaian Presidential Election will as well. Especially when he reflects on the exit poll results rather than the actual election poll. And that folks is the problem with Statistics; they can be manipulated to display or lean towards what the originator truly desires. And desire will lead us nicely onto the next post when I update you with this evening's fantastic news regarding Jeffers who is suffering 30+ degree heat and the other fantastic news about Patricia and Michael who have to endure -10 at this time of year. I will Facebook them all and ask for permission to release the news in some subsequent Blog posts. Meanwhile, continue to enjoy the read and Nadolig Llawen i bawb - Merry Christmas to everyone.
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