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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

29 September 2016

Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers

I've had a stressful few days, so this is the sum total of my artistic dabblings since Tuesday morning.  On the minus side, I feel a tad let down by someone of whom I thought the world of.  Whereas on the plus side, I was delighted by someone of whom I expected nothing.  It's a funny old World.

So I tried to park the stress by using three Winsor & Newton Watercolour Markers for the very first time this evening.  The watercolour markers that were used are Winsor & Newton 'Sap Green', 'Phthalo Blue (Red Shade)', and 'Alizarin Crimson Hue'.  Like most professional art products, they're expensive at £3.99 a pop. Although it's worth remembering that because they're watercolours, I don't own three colours, but four.  This is because the white of the paper is the fourth colour. 

Photograph: the markers and the initial drawing
As is often the case with Blogger: click on the photo to see the full image

It's a little Venetian scene, mainly because Venice is my 'theme of the moment', and I guessed that these watercolour products that have sat unused in my bureau drawer for many months; would lend themselves to this watercolour style.  Of course, after obtaining the markers, I went and completed a 'Colour Theory' course with the WEA-YMCA.  So I now know that instead of the green one, I actually needed a yellow. 

Hey ho, my hand will have to dip into my ever deepening pockets, and instead of a bunny, pull out some more dosh. This time, for a fourth Winsor & Newton Watercolour Marker

Photograph: the result after water is applied and spread to suit
Don't forget to click on the image!

The water spreading also includes 'on the paper' mixing.  This means that the watercolours get transferred around, blended, lightened, and darkened etc.,  Maybe this on the paper mixing is something that you could try.  Go on, you know that you want to!
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