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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

20 March 2013

Today is not about today; it's about your tomorrow

Here's wishing the PCS Union great success on today's DAY OF ACTION whereby they continue to strive to highlight Public Sector cuts, and the need to protect PAY and CONDITIONS and SERVICES. Today is not about today; it's about your tomorrow. The provision of services that are provided through our systems of taxation. It's our money, and it's your future, it does not belong to others to mess up.

A strong Trade Union is essential to balance the actions of over zealous poor managers who often have ill thought out plans that can be more about them and their perceived legacy than that which is needed for the greater good of the service that they should provide. Strong trade unionism is the natural outcome of a democracy that operates systems of paid employment instead of forced labour.

A strong trade union means more than protecting jobs, conditions, and levels of service provision. The Union is a collective, that provides support when others target you in the workplace. Don't think about how much it costs to join, but instead think about how much that it could cost you if you do not. You secure a knowledgeable friend who is there to help you when you are bullied. Someone to walk by your side when you take that long walk through the workplace while suffering from mental ill health and stress, but have been ordered in for some meeting or the other. A trained Union official who can put up his or her hand and say to a bullying manager "I'll stop you there, are you aware of rule so and so that prevents you asking, saying or doing what you are asking, saying, or doing to my member?" The Union is us, and we are the Union.

Don't cross the Picket Line and say "I can't lose a days pay", but instead realise that one days pay is small change compared to the rewards that Union membership brings with it. Better a day off now, than many days off scrambling for poorly paid temporary employment when you become unemployed as the cuts squeeze tighter. So join your Trade Union whoever they are, make an active contribution to their affairs, and of course if you drive past a PCS Picket Line today, toot your horn and voice your support.
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