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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

21 March 2009

Run Roger Run

Well it’s great to be back after a gap of 8 years; running that is. Well, more like a jog and a walk. But 22 minutes nevertheless, and to make matters better, this included the enjoyable company of my eldest Jodi. I bought my new running shoes in Cardiff the other day. I bought them from a lovely lady in a running shop opposite the Railway Station called Run and Become. The shop is in Wood Street, Cardiff and the lady made me try on a test pair and run up and down along the pavement outside of her shop with my trouser legs rolled up while she judged my running style and what I needed in a good quality pair of road shoes. Well she got the prescription spot on as the shoes fit a treat! A high and deserved recommendation from me to all you runners out there.

So the fitness is slowly coming back. Although I have been poorly for the last two weeks I have managed a walk each day. This includes walking to town as part of my lunch break in work and a walk along the promenade after the long journey home. So the jogging walking addition should make a great difference.

The difference should be exponential when we factor in the renewed Gym membership in order to go swimming, and my intention to get my Road Bike out of mothballs. A new me, and it’s not even a mid life crisis. I think it’s all about my Grandson and the need for me to keep up. The running is great and thankfully it is in the cool of Ceredigion and not the heat of Africa.
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