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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

24 October 2008

A Grand Day Out

The Weather has turned for the best again and it just happened to coincide with a Bank Holiday that I had booked to take the day off work. Wonderful, exactly what the Doctor had ordered as we say in the UK. I managed to wash the car before packing my daughters off on an epic journey to see the Ballet some 120 miles away. A few cups of tea and coffee and Mrs. B and I set off for town with our Grandson. A lovely walk along the seafront and the fresh air meant that we had to indulge in a really nice breakfast. They called it the Monster Breakfast and I must admit that it was too big for me. Something which unfortunately I cannot say too often. Breakfast or should I say late Brunch, was followed by some shopping and chatting to some friends. Which was particularly nice as we got to see their Wedding Photographs. And of course, the chance for me to reminisce about my time in Accra at Michael and Patricia's lovely Wedding. Nanny Poop Poops took the baby home, but only after dropping me off to see another friend. It was great to have a chat, and then a nice walk up to town in the lovely sunshine. Thankfully along a pretty good pavement, unlike the dirt track and tarmac roads of Haatso back in Ghana. My favourite haunt the Orangery beckoned and yet another chat with a friend but this time I also managed to read two chapters of one of my current books. I tend to read at least two books at a time, usually three across a variety of subjects. This one was on Victoria Cross and Medal of Honour Battlefields and the two chapters were the very last two of the book. It has been a Grand Day Out and now I am back in the house enjoying my new album and a nice cup of tea.
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