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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

28 August 2014


Is it wrong to write about the NATO Summit being held in South Wales? We can't afford a holiday this year and are staying in Cardiff after a kind relative offered to lend us their place in the City while they are away. So with the support of my good friend Adam, I am chancing my arm at the South Wales International Open Chess Tournament. A six day chess extravaganza held in the centre of our Capital. 

Although at the moment it is not the vibrant cosmopolitan city that I know; not with all of this security fencing and vehicle barricades dotted about everywhere.  You can't even escape the intrusion when strolling or jogging through what is normally the lovely Bute Park. Nope, for the last five days, I have felt quite intimidated and feel as if I am in the Middle East rather than in South Wales. The worst part is, I thought that the NATO thingy was taking place in Newport.  Gwent get the Summit, but South Wales get the expense. And what's this 'working lunch' malarky? I've dined in the Castle many years ago, and with that standard of quisine, there's not going to be that much working going on.  Unlike me at the chess board, slogging it out for a few hours at a time.

To be quite honest, if it wasn't for Adam, it's highly unlikely that I would be here at all. Well yes, I would be here drinking coffee and strolling around, but not playing chess. You see, the aforementioned friend sort of acts like my 'second'. Of course it is quite unheard of for a club level chess player like me to have a 'second', but the support is essential with my mental ill health. 

Adam researches chess ideas and themes, researches my opponents and preps me as to what chess opening to expect, and then analyses each of my chess games in detail following each round. I wake up in the flat to a ping on my mobile phone, and that is a text or email from Adam informing me who I am due to playing etc., Following the game I photograph my chess scoresheet and then email it to Adam for analysis. We also met up several times prior to my jaunt to the fenced off City. So while other people do a lot of work, I just have a lot of fun, and the pressure valve folks is wide open. 

So thank you Adam, because you are helping me to live my dream, but bugger off NATO because you are making me feel vulnerable and intimidated. 

Next time, please host your Summit out on a ship or away in the countryside. 

Oh the chess, how is it going you ask? Well I lost in Round 1 to an International Master (so no surprise there then) and somehow drew the next four games. Part of this unusual string of draws, is risk aversion, and of course lack of confidence. The other part must be down to my aims and objectives, the primary one being enjoyment. I mustn't care about the result, but I must ensure that I do enjoy playing.
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