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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

10 August 2012

Living like a Lord

Mrs B and two of our Dining Companions have also noticed the "Sir Roger" bit. Last night it was a point of conversation when the waiter in one of the excellent Bars on the Celebrity Eclipse addressed me in the formal title. Wifey asked the waiter to repeat what he said, and the waiter explained that I was 'Sir Roger'. Which was really nice as our friends then commented that they too had heard the expression and were wondering why it was being used in my presence. Brilliant, just brilliant, and probably just a reflection of treating others exceptionally well. Maybe my behaviour is one of many conversations amongst the crew, as they, like others appreciate the interaction and well drilled courtesy. A crew member today on the Eclipse thanked me for asking how they were.

The thing is if you are being addressed so well, then it must follow that you also need to live the dream.

So for the first time in 21 days of sailing on the Celebrity Eclipse; we ordered breakfast to our room.

Like small giggling children we completed our breakfast card at 0230 this morning in between looking out at the ocean on what was an extremely clear night for the 4 hours of darkness. We then placed the breakfast selection card on the outside of the door to our Stateroom.

Duly waking and dressing in time, the photograph shows our excellent Stateroom Attendant Leroy, having delivered an array of freshly prepared food and coffee to our balcony.

The only question must be; why have we never ordered this before given that we sailed on the Eclipse for 14 nights last year to assist me with my then deteriorating mental health? I'm not 100% sure which is my highlight so far; the stained glass in the church on the hill at our last port of call, or breakfast on the balcony at sea today? I suppose that for many reasons the stained glass wins, but nevertheless the Celebrity Eclipse Stateroom breakfast is a wonderful thing that all passengers should indulge in at least once.
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