Akwaaba Welcome Croeso 你好 Ciao Welkom приветствовать Bienvenida

This Blog is about lots of things including Art, Poetry, and Pens. The Main Blogging page is the Home page and the Tabs are other almost separate stand alone pages. Select a Tab (Home, Pens, etc) and scroll down to find the text. Trust me, it is there. Return to the Home page by clicking 'Home'. Enjoy the read...

Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

19 November 2008

Readership Stateside

A big Welsh 'Croeso' and African 'Akwaaba' welcome to those readers from Illinois, Washington, North Carolina, Massachusetts, who have looked at this Blog.

London calling

Email can be a bind. Especially in a workplace where colleagues can offload tasks with a click of the mouse. There are email exchanges, where you are cc'd for no apparent reason. Sometimes there is a reason; the originator simply decided to use a random 'select all' and send approach.

Lots of time, spent opening and reading large volumes of email. Copious amounts of information but quite often for no valid reason. Everything has its place, and I recognise the value of Information Communication Technology, but the sheer volume of the email traffic can drag you down. Poor emailing clogs up an organisation and can deflect people from their real task. However, email amongst friends, especially those living in another Continent is a joy. I often email Michael, sometimes Patricia, sometimes Jose, Francis and Dominic. A new kid on the block is Reuben. The mobile phone has switched to email. A lot less costly, so thank you Reuben. Slowly but surely the round of emails is becoming like the World Service. "This is London calling, and the news is..." Now Accra, Hong Kong, Saint Brieuc, and the others have to respond. And the best part is; it's nearly always in English.
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