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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

2 January 2018

Masonic Art: First Degree Tracing Board

I find that painting and drawing is relaxing.  I've completed a fair few paintings and drawings since my last flurry of activity on Blogger.  The main reasons for the absence of uploads is that I was assaulted by an intruder a few months back and that as would be expected, sort of of knocked me back a bit.  Compounded by the fact that Apple for some strange reason no longer supports Blogger, and my iPad is my mainstay as an art visual diary and my art hub.  I could upload to Blogger with ease, but these days using the iPad is stressful as Blogger crashes so much.  I can do without stress.  My old laptop was appalling, and all of these points conspired to stop the uploading.  My new laptop in comparison is both cheaper and a joy to use.  Cheaper is nice, as like many out there; money has to stretch these days. Nice because it's usable.  It ain't perfect, but it ain't bad either.

I paint and draw across a huge range of media and styles and subject matter.  I'm not constrained by commercial considerations and complete my art to aid my mental health.

Today's subject is a Masonic First Degree Tracing Board completed in ink and watercolour.  It is an unusual style of First Degree Tracing Board and unless it's a piece of my artwork then you may struggle to find similar online.  It's probably out there somewhere, but I'm yet to find it. This painting and drawing is sized 4 x 6 inches on 250gsm Mixed Media paper.

Masonic First Degree Tracing Board, Roger Bennett 2017, all rights reserved

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