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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

31 October 2016

New Zealand Traditional Art

Well, how cool is this! 

ArtRba Photograph: blank greetings card with New Zealand Art on front cover

All the way from New Zealand courtesy of the lovely Barbara and equally lovely Rhiannon. They also sent me a stunning 'Clare Reilly' New Zealand Calendar 2017 that I will probably photograph and showcase when it's in place on my wall.  I met Barbara and Rhiannon while enjoying a coffee in a little Italian Cafe in Wales. 

As for the above piece of art; I love what was used to create the image, and the  3D effect that has been achieved, on what is after all just a flat surface. The artwork is both awesome and relevant to the short mark-making course that I recently attended and enjoyed.  It's yet another way for the artist to express themselves.
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