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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

16 June 2011

Alice Pyne

If you are ever feeling down, then go to: http://alicepyne.blogspot.com and read that Blog and be very grateful for everything you have and will ever have. The power of the Media and the Internet to bring information into your life that otherwise would have slipped you by. I cried when I read the article in the Times newspaper while sipping coffee in a coffee shop in Carmarthen, and I cried again when I used my Xperia X10 to access the Blog a few minutes later.

Joss Stone

I was appalled at the news story that broke yesterday regarding Joss Stone and the stuff that those who have been charged allegedly had in their car. This led me to write a poem about the Joss Stone story. It sickens me that people go and plot and plan the way that they do; with total disregard to their fellow human beings. Let's hope that those involved get what they fully deserve and that Joss Stone lives life safely.

Joss Stone

Rejoice to those who spotted the duo,
And for making the emergency call,
Praise the officers taking the lead,
And to those who searched the Punto.

Two now charged and unable to blag,
Why they were there at all,
Banged to rights they will plead,
The reasons why a sword and body-bag.

And when the jury find the guilt,
The two from Manchester shall fall,
Locked away so that others heed,
What happens if blood could be spilt.

Roger Bennett, June 2011

As always I reserve and execute my right to be identified as the author of this poem if anyone lifts it and uses it elsewhere. Oh, and some dosh please if you are a newspaper or other high volume reader organisation, as I'm just a poor pensioner. Tee he hee :-)
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