Now don’t get me wrong as Hornby do a great job, but why on earth do they produce Circus wagons, Big Tops, Helter-skelter’s and the like when there are no 00 scale circus figures? I know that we can go out and pay a fortune for the Continental pre-painted small packet branded ones; but that sort of defeats the object i.e. fun figures for fun time.
Having suffered a few mental health episodes, I recognise the therapeutic benefits of doing a bit of art now and again. So to ensure that Mr Tister could have his fun-time, and I had my therapy, I went off in search of Airfix Circus or Zoo sets. The idea being that Airfix 1:72 is as near as needed to 00 scale. A Circus set would be the perfect solution, but failing that then the animals of a zoo box would assist with the Circus theme. Little did I know when I set off on this adventure that Airfix no longer made a zoo set and the closest thing A.K.A. a Tarzan set was also out of production. Now I can see a gap in the market forming here. If you make colourful trains, lorries, tents and the like, then how about a few people and animals to populate imaginary Circus land?
I also found that the few remaining Airfix zoo and Tarzan boxes were pretty costly items, indeed so much so, that some fools were buying the empty boxes! Not to beaten by these set-backs, or should I say, absent sets? I managed to track Down the Hat 1:72nd scale Jungle Adventure for a few reasonable pennies. I haven’t used every moulding contained in set No.7018 as I had no call for an African boat, or numerous warriors. But what I did have a call for was a ‘Tarzan’ who is now the ‘Circus Strongman’ and an African grouping complete with drum and traditional attire, a Circus Elephant, and numerous other animals suitable to the Hornby Circus theme for Mr Tister to enjoy.
After the figures were carefully removed from their sprues, they were washed in water and detergent and then rinsed and allowed to dry overnight. This removes the chemicals that adhere to the plastic during the factory moulding process. The figures were then carefully trimmed with a modelling knife and filed where needed with emery paper. Humbrol primer was applied by brush and the figures were left overnight. Do not use Halfords grey plastic primer on Airfix or Hat 1:72nd scale figures as the flexibility of the figures will cause the paint to crack. When dry the figures were painted with Games Workshop and Tamiya brushed acrylics. The finished paint job was allowed to dry for two days and then coated with quick drying varnish after which they were left for three days before Circus play.
Merry Christmas everyone