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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

13 July 2012

Congratulations to John Terry

Congratulations to John Terry on his acquittal earlier today and congratulations to Fabio Capello for supporting Mr Terry and be shown to have sound judgement. It was an astonishing waste of public money for the case to have been brought given the circumstances and the absence of evidence 'beyond all reasonable doubt'. Well done to Chief Magistrate Howard Riddle for judging what many were expecting; given the weak evidence that did not stand up to criminal scrutiny. Thank goodness for our Justice System and the valid burden of proof that was required and which appeared to have been absent from the outset in this case. A waste of public money and a stressful time for someone who appears to have only ever wanted to serve his country on the football pitch and do charitable work in support of his friends and those in need. Well done John Terry I am shocked that this happened to you and pleased that you were acquitted.
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