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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

8 October 2008

Posting Costs

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m learning to spend money but you could have knocked me over with a feather duster earlier today. I popped to the Post Office just before they close at 5.30 and yes I really do appreciate the accommodating and long opening hours. But £77.59 Sterling for one average sized parcel and £64.79 for the other? You can’t be serious… The Post Mistress was, and I wasn’t. There was no way that I could justify spending 280 Cedis on posting Jeffers present. Worse was to come. The lady explained that I could send the items at just under 2kg for £2.80 now that did seem like a good deal. I know that I can split what I was sending into even smaller parcels so Plan ‘B’ was taking affect. £2.80 to post to Ghana, “not bad at all” I was thinking as I got back into the car. “Sorry Rog, I missed a decimal point. I typed in 1.95 instead of 1.950 and the cost for just under 2kg is £20”. So Plan ‘B’ had failed and I was quickly moving to Plan ‘C’. No problem there then, as I have just completed a Social and Economic Masters degree in Strategic Studies and I understand that no plan survives engagement with the enemy. The problem is, Jeffers ain’t the enemy; he’s my African friend.
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