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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

29 March 2009

Daylight hours

Football is big in Africa. While in Ghana I came across many groups kicking a ball about up until the daylight failed. I even came across a street seller walking along the main highway through Haatso, carrying a large net containing an array of footballs. Needless to say, I bought one and brought it home for my Grandson. All the way from Africa, an odd shaped ball; not quite round. But very colourful and I suspect when it is played with, it is good fun. The bonus being that we have electricity and street lights and playing is not restricted to daylight hours outside of Accra. Mind you in some parts of Wales, the County Councils are starting to turn off the street lights in order to save money. So maybe we are not that different from Africa after all?
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