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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

1 October 2010


The cities where recent visitors to the Blog reside are:

Accra, Ghana
Moscow, Russia
Sofia, Bulgaria
Pelotas, Brazil
London, England
Edgbaston, England
Birmingham, England
Solihull, England
Cardiff, Wales
Islington, USA
Brooklyn, USA
San Francisco, USA

Now that is quite a few places that I would love to visit, so welcome to one and all! I've managed, Cardiff, London, Birmingham and Accra. Four out of eleven is not too bad, but I can well imagine how much I would enjoy visiting (in no particular order) Russia, Brazil, Bulgaria, and the United States of America. I wrote to the President the other day, but he didn't reply. So I suppose that the trip I was hoping for, is on the back burner for a while.

But hey Mr President, if you do read this and you want a qualified Strategist to pop over The Pond and become one of your temporary advisers for a while then please drop me a line.

The Big News

It's the 1st October 2010 and the Very Big News is that I managed to have an article published in The Times Newspaper yesterday. For my Ghanaian friends, that's the London Times.

I'm well chuffed as it was 250 words whereby I reviewed the previous days edition of The Times. The review was of Tuesday's edition with it's significant coverage of amongst other matters; the Milliband saga. My submission wasn't published in any old 'Times', mind you; but the Ryder Cup Special edition. With its free 16-page Ryder Cup special pullout. A double whammy, and second only, to having something published in 'the Pope' edition. I suspect that circulation figures were well up. Not because I had an article inside, but because of the Ryder Cup.

But then again, I can confidently say that my small contribution did raise the circulation figures as my wife, brother, sister, and several good friends all bought a copy. To make matters really good, I bumped into Adam and his lovely lady Nia in the evening, and we had a few jars before wifey and I snuck off for a sneaky Indian. Pure bliss, the chit-chat, the beer, and the food.

Brilliant, simply brilliant, and as I have already mentioned - I'm well chuffed.
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