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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

3 August 2015


Started a new watercolour this morning, a scene of Venice. An enjoyable two hours and with a nice coffee. 

This afternoon we took the coach to the Old Town in our first port stop in Croatia and then had a ramble around, and a hour sea cruise in a glass bottomed boat. All topped off with a beer outside at a lovely place located in a narrow alleyway and in the shade.  It's baking hot, but we are enjoying the trip.

  Sea kayaking is planned for tomorrow at the next port in Croatia and of course I hope that the activity is laid back, and that I can keep up! At the moment I'm enjoying a beer 100 metres from the ship, using the Internet at a cafe that is far cheaper than the onboard costs for wifi. But then again, when you are at sea, the onboard costs are really quite cheap, as it's an extra facility that is gratefully received and paying for it is only fair.
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