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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

14 August 2011

Celebrity Cruises Top Waiter

As far as we are concerned this is a picture of the best waiter ever (Sumpoyo on the left) and his assistant (Mahmad Mooradun on the right). 14 nights of top class 5* service on the Celebrity Eclipse in The Moonlight Sonata dining room compliments of these chaps.

The stunning food was served to an exceptionally high standard.

Setting the table to perfection, welcoming us and our dinner companions with a smile. Making sure that we were seated well. Bringing water and the bread basket and topping them up when needed and without being asked. Changing the knifes depending on the appetiser or entree. Cleaning and maintaining the table to a high standard. Sumpoyo carrying upwards of 14 meals on one tray on his shoulder. Always serving from the correct side. Always there but never noticed. Great recommendations on every night of the Celebrity cruise. Fantastic service from a great waiter and his assistant. Celebrity Cruises should be proud of these guys and all others whom I suspect also reach the same exacting standards.
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