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Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

27 April 2015

Life should mean life

According to the BBC online News Service; "Colin Pitchfork was given a life sentence in 1988 for the rape and murder of 15-year-old schoolgirls Lynda Mann and Dawn Ashworth, from Leicestershire." I recently watched an excellent two part docu-drama about the pioneering DNA work that caught Pitchfork, along with the excellent police work that caught the person who pretended to be him and took the first DNA test, that in turn allowed Pitchfork to roam free for longer.

Pitchfork was convicted of two heinous crimes, and Pitchfork should die in prison.  

To release Colin Pitchfork would be a travesty of justice and a shameful indictment of the low value now placed on human life by our society.  I don't care about perceived risk to society, as Pitchfork could be a bedridden 90 year old and I would still believe that such a person should still be in prison. 

The only reason to release someone who was convicted of the rape and murder of two human beings, is when technological advances or other evidence subsequently proves that the convicted person was innocent.  That will not be the case for Colin Pitchfork.  If a person is guilty of such heinous crimes, then that convicted person should die behind bars. 
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