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This Blog is about lots of things including Art, Poetry, and Pens. The Main Blogging page is the Home page and the Tabs are other almost separate stand alone pages. Select a Tab (Home, Pens, etc) and scroll down to find the text. Trust me, it is there. Return to the Home page by clicking 'Home'. Enjoy the read...

Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett


As promised the pen stuff is starting to happen:

Now you wouldn't steal my babies, so please don't copy and paste and thereby steal my artwork. This pen and ink illustration of a Wyvern No.5 took several hours to complete and is an illustration of a pen that I hold in my collection. The Wyvern No.5 Lever Fill pen is a lovely daily writer and at the moment it is full of Black Parker ink. Which for those that know me, know is unusual. Parker Black has never been one of my favourites, whereas Blue Black is up there with the best. Mainly because the Blue Black ink is thin enough to run nicely through one of my REFORM 1745 Piston Filler pens with their extra fine student quality nibs. I mention 'one of' as I have several. REFORM 1745's that is, and not pens. No, the Wyvern No.5 is one of numerous Wyvern's that stretch well into double figures.

My collection of bottled ink also stretches well into double figures. They are all open and all on the go. Different ink for different pens, different moods, and different purposes. You see I like to form my words on the page and can think of few things better than enjoying a good coffee while penning a poem or a letter. With that in mind; the Wyvern No.5 will have to have a day out, so that it can have a go at penning a poem.

I could also do with a nice little pencil and having accidentally found a particular and unusual one made by Wyvern, I then stumbled on four more over the next two days. It's sort of London Buses isn't it? None for ages and then a load turn up.

I am particuarly proud of this George VI 1937 Coronation Pen as it only had the outer slip case and I made the inner case out of a sheet of card and a glue stick. The ends and sides are double thickness. It's a pretty cool thing, and cooler still because it is back inside the card box where it belongs. A sense of social history and 75 years old all for a few bob. What a bargain, and more so in that it is going to bring a few hours of fun with it in a sec. You see, I have drafted the pencil outline, and I am about to use Staedtler Pigment Liners to draw the pen in ink and then settle down with a cuppa and my Winsor & Newton Artists' Quality Water Colours to paint an illustration of the pen in Olive Green and its associated colours. Happy days indeed.

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