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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

5 March 2009

The Big Clear Out

The last few weeks have been taken up by clearing out my garage and with it a lot of my past life. Enough paper to fill several sacks have been shredded, and twelve rubbish bags removed along with a lot of card. Gosh I feel good. It's important to have a good clear out now and again. Mind you, I could have picked the Summer rather than the worst Winter in the UK for the last twenty years to work outside.

Only yesterday I had to drive through snow across country to attend an important meeting in England. The weather was so bad that I had to slow right down on the Motorway, and many roads appeared to be un-gritted. Then again there has been a shortage of road salt in the UK and everything costs money and there is a credit crunch going on.

Mind you, financial crisis or not, I was able to afford to buy a huge array of 90litre clear plastic boxes complete with lids for my garage clear out. Now things are to hand and those that know me, know that I like to be organised. No more wondering where the bubble wrap is when I complete that all important scenery model. No more searching for the used envelopes to send the model and no more squeezing along through what was a narrow opening running the whole length of the garage. For the new Roger Bennett; there is space and time. And we all know what we get with space and time. For me time has slowed down, because it is all relative and I no longer have to spend time moving items, searching and moving items again.

Yes, the big clear out has been a success and now back to the Blogging.
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