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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

24 July 2015

Jeremy Corbyn

The best thing that Labour have done in years; is to have Jeremy Corbyn in the race for Leader of their Party. The best thing that Labour could do for the years ahead; is to elect him. 

I have voted Labour in the past, just as I have voted Liberal, Liberal Democrat, Conservative, and Plaid Cymru. My vote has been about what is best for my community and who is a credible potential winner.

I was in despair when the four declared, as it came across as the same old same old.  Labour was going nowhere, and then, in the depths of despair, Jeremy Corbyn's name appeared on the ballot.  With Jeremy Corbyn at the helm, Labour could become both a true Opposition and potential future General Election winners.  Jeremy Corbyn may become our next Prime Minister, but without him, Labour are destined to a decade or more in the wilderness.  That is, if they don't totally implode during that time.

Vote Jeremy Corbyn and give Labour a fighting chance.
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