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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

31 July 2010

Grand Tour of Italy 2010 Part 2

We are now in Aras in France on day one of our Grand Tour of Italy. We drive through Germany tomorrow and then through Switzerland the day after. With the first of many days in Italy scheduled to start at a Hotel that we have booked at Lake Como.

I just received a lovely message from my Bro Steve via that World shrinking mobile phone device. Hi Bro, and hi to everyone else out there who reads the Blog. AKA my mate Adam, the lovely lady from Brazil, the Welsh Speaking Welsh lady located somewhere in South Wales, and our daughters. We set out from Wales just before 0900 this morning, which for those that know me, will also know that me being on time at the start of a trip is a rarity. I strongly believe in keeping appointments, but for some reasons I am slow off the mark when starting a holiday.

Nevertheless we were ahead of time, until I bumped into the postman as we drove away and then had to buy a notepad to bang off an important letter. So around 0915 we left the Village and drove through the delightful Welsh mountains and down to a point where South Wales meets England. It has been a lovely day for driving, and the weather has been fine all of the way. We made the 1815 ferry out of Dover. The crossing was smooth and the French Countryside with the setting sun was stunning. We are now at the Hotel Campanile Arras, in the Zone d’activities des Alouettes. Located in Saint-Nicolas 62223 near Aras France. Our first floor room is accessed from an external balcony. The double room is well equipped, and Pauline is learning a bit of French as she switches channels.

For those planning a Grand European tour pre holiday important points are:
P&O Ferry was only £30 each way booked online at their main website
Thomas Cook beat other Euro rates and handed over the monies immediately
A Post Office pre-loaded Sterling debit card cost us £3
A Thomas Cook one also cost us £3
A Euro pre-loaded debit card costs zero with the Post Office and Thomas Cook
Thomas Cook spread the better Euro rate across cash and the debit card

Today’s important costs and points were:
P&O Ferry check-in was smooth and very fast
P&O Meal for two, 1 drink, 1 bread roll, ice cream and Greek Yoghurt £20.36
The Calais to Aras Motorway toll was 7 Euro 20 Cents
Beer and a bottle of coke at our hotel was 9 Euro 80 Cents
France is 1 hour ahead so it is now 11pm
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