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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

24 April 2012

Claire Squires' Just Giving Page

The Claire Squires story is heartbreaking. Her brother died young and Claire was doing her bit to raise money for the Samaritans when she passed away towards the end of the 2012 London Marathon aged only 30. Claire had intended to raise £500 for the Samaritans and the flood of donations since her untimely death has pushed that amount to almost £500,000 at the time of writing. I suspect that I am not alone in hoping that the Samaritans set up a Trust Fund in Claire’s memory so that her contribution is still helping the charity in 30 years time rather than the monies being absorbed as a windfall now. It would be nice to see a lasting legacy from a person who understood that we are all on this earth for what we do for others. That would mean that Claire’s early death is not totally in vain and her family and close friends can take some comfort from the positive outcomes for Claire’s chosen charity the Samaritans. So why not track down the Claire Squires ‘just giving’ page linked to the Samaritans and send off a few pounds as well. Many of us are, or have been effected by mental ill health and those who are not, probably know at least two or three persons who have suffered a mental health setback in their life. Claire ran the Marathon and tried to raise money for a charity that is close to many people’s heart. I have rung the Samaritans once in my life, and it’s nice to know that when you need someone to talk to, there are systems in place that can help others when they need that help the most. I gave the few pounds left in my Paypal account. It's no big shakes as it was only a small amount. But if lots of people do the same then it all adds up.
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