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Lots of stuff including Art

Lots of stuff including Art
Newport lad from Crindau, and Ceredigion resident for 27 years: former firefighter Roger Bennett

24 August 2010

A very long Journey

'The Beast' should start out on a very long journey alone later this week; as the lovely people at the European Breakdown Recovery service have decided to ship her home rather than fly me back to Italy, for me to trundle half way across Europe again. A big thank you to everyone that I have spoken to over the last few weeks. The transportation saves me a fair bit of money and a lot of inconvenience. But I suppose that there is the downside of not seeing the stunning Alpine and Swiss scenery and the joys of almost empty roads across most of Europe.

It will be nice to see the Volvo S60 D5 SE when she arrives from the Continent sometime over the next four weeks. I shall be certain to wash her off, polish her up and buy one or two new gifts from the Volvo range for us to enjoy on our next trip in the car. I shall also take a photograph and add it to the Blog. Unless of course, I do come across the images of the Volvo, that I have been looking for over the last few days. Otherwise it will be a case of finding the camera and tripod and taking a short drive up into the lovely Welsh mountains near to our home in order to get some good pics of 'the Beast'.

Meanwhile I shall continue to car share and mooch around Aberystwyth whiling away the days.
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